well seems like we have a host of new members on the blog. am posting a pic of j and i cutting a cake on our anniv- however there r few of me as u cannot b in 2 places at 1 time(read that as - have not got the hang of getting camera on aut mode). as 4 slumdog, have had ump diss with the firangs who were swarming all over rajasthan like bounty providing ( dollars, pounds, euros) locusts. they still like 2 imagine us as people living in trees and riding camels and elephants ( a pain in the u no where experience), despite inds running the whole bloody IT world. as i told one firang- u would b happier if i was in my nine yards saree and prob bathing under a municipal tap - u dont want 2 accept an image of a well educated india. the cherry on the cake came after i came back 2 sangli- had invited nri frds 4 dinner and when i brought out a baked dish , this guy and his son ask me if i have an oven.!!prob with indians who migrate is that they r in a time warp- if they have left in 1971 they think time froze 4 us with the departure of their oh so touted brains and we r stuck in that yr 4ever. so i have issues with slumdog- as 4 enjoying ur well earned money (let me tell u taht we have a much poorer lifestyle than sim people abrd) - i think we work real hard 4 the same in india and get very few brks(j and i took a real hol after maybe 7 yrs). so i suggest that those who want 2 preach, get down into the street and do some work instead of just sounding off AB- u need not go out - there r many things u can do at home-my mil teaches english 2 all our servants children and let me tell u we have 2 bribe them 2 come with batata wadas. we can make our world a better place and the only ones who crib abt the rich r those who do not want 2 make an effort 2 climb out of their so called destiny and karma. we have 2 teach them and every effort can change at least 1 life. so folks have 2 go now as the mseb has mercifully cut my connection- u all r spared the rest of the lecture
Alps, I abso loooved your post.
Agree with you totally.
Good point, Alps! Very thought provoking indeed.
BTW, that glass of wine sure looks tempting.
Venu you have just stolen my liner ! Probab the cake is dipped in the Champagne ( suggestive colour )!
A thoughtful toast indeed for the Silver jubilites !
what a visual treat!!! may u continue 2 look as savvy ALWAYS!!!
Panchwees warsha cha lagna cha wad diwasa chya hardik subeeksha!!!
Slumdog baddal tumcha pratikriya ateeshey utkrushta ani hrudya sparshi hotya.
Aaplya gaathi-bethi kadhi honar hya baddal kaheecha kalaville nahee?
Vimal ataa alashee jhali, aahey tya muley amee tujhavar avalamboon ahooth.
Jai Slumdog, Jai Maharashtra.
Very nice picture and congratulations on your 25th anniversary !
I am sure your experience with the fhirangs & nris you have met recently has not been very pleasant, but I hope you will not generalise your feelings to ALL fhirangs and nris. Then you would be doing exactly the same as the fhirangs you met in Rajasthan.
My experience over the last few years has been that Americans' knowledge of the world outside of US is very low.....ofcourse, I am generalising.
BTW, when the movie "Godfather" was released, Italians were up in arms, but the whole world viewed the movie as a good story, well told.
Congrats on your Pacheeswah Saalgirah! Jai Ho! Hahahahaha.....
Khub jamega rang jab mil bait eangey teen yaar aap main aur apna Bagpiper!!
Alps Jayant & Bagpiper!
Great post Alp. Alp & oven, Alp & microwave, Alp & washing machine... actually BMWs in India, comfortable air travel in India, IT jobs in India, India and its huge domestic market... some firangs just cannot believe their eyes. And i have seen a few of them... shocked that we have maids, a cook, some one to wash our car, someone to iron our clothes... but then whenever they come to India i see them go shutter happy the moment they see a cow on the road... Well, in that case thatz the only experience they take back with them and return back to their country empty handed! I have also come across a very few who truly praise India. For them a visit to India is an experience of a life time... and they always look forward to some more.
Well said, Vimal and Kausty.
Most Americans don't even know their own country---National Geograhpic was lamenting a decade ago that Geography,as a subject, is not taught in most US schools.
Now you know why they think the US is the whole world!
In fact, most of them have a mindset that India is exatly what has been depicted in Slumdog Millionaire. I pity them.
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