Saturday, 30 May 2009

'Lampropeltis getula californiae', facts and adventure

During my trip to Colorado in April I got to visit an old friend in Albuquerque, NM. He took us to the Natural history museum. As I was wandering around in the reptile room I met 'Lampropeltis getula californiae'. That is the scientific name for the California King Snake. He stood out because he was an interesting looking snake. He was completely white with yellowish bands.

I asked the lady standing next to the container about it and here are some facts about these snakes:
Common kingsnakes, occur in various colors, and are some of the most beautiful snakes of the world. For instance, the Sonora Mountain kingsnake has narrow red and white rings separated by thin black rings. The scarlet kingsnake has broad red rings and narrow yellow rings separated by thin black rings. The California kingsnake typically has broad dark bands separated by cream-colored bands, however the fellow I was looking at was an 'Albino California Kingsnake'. Kingsnakes, resemble the venomous coral snakes, but the kingsnake's red rings are bordered by black rings and the coral snakes red rings, by yellow rings. Here is an old saying on how to tell if a snake is venomous or not: "Red touches black, you're o.k., Jack, red touches yellow, you're a dead fellow."

I asked her a few more questions and suddenly she asked, "Do you want to hold him?". I sure did not expect that from her. I have always wondered what it would feel like holding a snake and here was my opportunity. I quickly agreed, and my son looked at me like I was nuts. The lady explained to us that he was not a venomous snake, however, he was not defanged. Apparently he does have a very painful bite, but she assured me that he would only bite if I provoked him. She said, " just hold him and act normal, no sudden movements, and you will be OK". She fished him out of the container and placed him in my hands. He felt cold, but not slimy at all. As soon as the lady placed him in my hands he went exploring. He decided he would see what my back looked like and slithered between my body and my arm as you see here

He then slid down my back and hung there for a while

and then decided he had had enough of that and circled back to my palms.

My son wanted no part of this adventure and stayed as far away as possible. You can see him standing behind me in the background. A long line of people wanting to hold him had started to form so I had to relinquish him to the next person in line. What an unexpected adventure!!!


Naresh said...


That was remarkable. Serpents have been my all time favourites.

And the Numero Uno is the King cobra. See my next post on this !

Seetha said...

Mine too!

Vimal Parmar said...

Yeeks! Creepy creatures!!

Faiyaz said...

Duniya mein bohath kam Nake Insaan hain,
Aur us sey bhi kam, Snake Insaan!

arun bhatt said...

Para sailing, hot air balooning, rock climbing, swimming sensation and now snake handling!!

Next on the agenda? Cuddling crocodiles or dancing with elephants?

Louis J Rao said...

Arun ,absolutely correct !!! Seetha will give Akshyay Kumar our Bolly hero a run for his money especially as the action man !!! Oops Action woman. !

Tasneem said...

You really are one helluva plucky woman. Look at you, stand with so much composure with that creature winding itself around you! I would have fainted in fright!! Impossible for me to get that close to any kind of reptile. Gives me the heebee jeebees!!!

Seetha said...

Tas, this was not scary at all since the snake was not venomous.

Arun, not sure what is next on my agenda, but very high on my wish list is 'Canoeing the Amazon river' and "Hiking the Inca Trail to MachuPichu, Peru". Not sure if I will get to accomplish either!!