Sunday, 14 June 2009

Guess who sent this message...

Hello ji, Hamara khayal aaya achcha laga... No excuse just an fyi... Work has been crazy. Promise to get back on the blog soon. Hope all is well with you...
(Hint: Some one as sweet as these jalebies sent this message! Guess karo!!)
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Tasneem said...


Naresh said...


This is unpardonable ! Your sweet cannot be my sweet . There are a lot of sweet and sour bloggers , it is difficult to pinpoint this way !

Enarkay said...

I too guess it is Sreenu. Whoever it is should send jalebis to all blog members!

Seetha said...

Yummm, those jalebis look sooooo delicious. I second Enarkay and say 'all bloggers get jalebis'

Vimal Parmar said...

BTW, that was Reena...