Thursday 8 July 2010


Felt a bit awkward. After all, I was in the company of some truly legendary names.

For starters there was Vimal- Only Vimal. The greatest Indian brand name ever. Then there was Seetha. Even with an extra ‘h’ it’s a name of truly epic proportions. To round it off (no puns my dear classmate) there was Jhansi. And as if the “1857-mediaeval-queen-on-a-horseback-flashing-her-sword-against-the-goras” image was not enough, her parents gave her a second name- Lakshmi. Good God there were enough reasons to feel that somebody who responds to a pedestrian name like Arun was a misfit in this illustrious company. Only an imperial name like Ashoka or maybe Alexander would have done justice to the trio!!

The arrival schedule at the meeting point too did justice to the names. Poor me, I came 20 minutes early. “Only-Vimal” was off target by five minutes. Jhansi-Lakshmi was 20 minutes late. This meant the trio reached Seetha’s Chembur vatika 25 minutes beyond the appointed hour. “Blame it on the monsoons”, I muttered. Vimal’s matter-of-fact reaction was more logical, “Seetha should get used to the IST.”

We had come to meet Seetha but before that her uncle (dad’s elder brother) and aunt held centre stage. At ninety, he is truly a grand old man. He began his career when India became independent (1947) and retired just around the year we started off with our careers (1984). He sat upright on his chair. Wanted to know just exactly which restaurant we were going to, the size of the car and the departure time to the airport. After satisfying himself on all three counts he relaxed a little. Then there was Seetha’s aunt. A pleasant smile played on her lips permanently. She did not sit in the drawing room but stood just a reverential step behind her husband- a wonderful throw-back to the bygone era. I was truly impressed.

The lunch proper was memorable. Soup, beer (for yours truly), non vegetarian platter, vegetarian platter and of course plenty of chatter. For starters Vims wanted each one of us to update on what happened with our lives after 1970’s.

Seetha spoke about her house at one end of Giri road and then the shift to Church road. She recollected Miss Shameem and her legendary handwriting, her friend Tasneem, a naughty boy in her class called Faiyaz, re-location to Trichy, her dad’s sudden death after being diagnosed for cancer.

She also relived the horror of her kidnap attempt. This narration had a twist which is not mentioned in the blog. “After seeing slumdog millionaire I told my children, look even I could have ended up as a beggar if the attempted kidnap had been successful. This is what happens to many beautiful girls.”

I cleared my throat and announced, “So the bottom line of the story is - thou art beautiful”

Without batting an eyelid over her beautiful eyes she said, “That’s what many say.”

As if on cue, Vimal decided to spend the next ten minutes describing Seetha’s eyes, her B&W pix in FB. It could have gone on and on had I not gently reminded him that in a couple of hour’s time I would be meeting Vani!!!

Jhansi spoke of her early marriage to Gopal, his supportive nature, about acquiring degrees even after marriage. She has a healthy (no puns my dear class mate) sense of humour too. Here is a sample. “Every time I had a major exam, I was pregnant. During Intermediate I was expecting. During Graduation too I was pregnant. When a few years later I enrolled for my PG in Economics my friends said, Oh my god you are pregnant again!!” She still breaks into a hearty laugh when she recollects the importance she used to get in the office because of her mastery in WordStar and later WordPerfect.

Magic moments were galore. Sample this opening conversation between Seetha (just landed from New Jersey) and the waiter:

Seetha: What exactly goes into the making of this mushroom soup?
Waiter: Mushrooms
Seetha: I know but what are the ingredients?
Waiter: Musshhrooooms (Now if you have heard Russel Peters you will understand this pronunciation better)
Seetha: Yeah. But how do you kinda make it?
Waiter: White in colour
Seetha: (Closes the menu card) OK Vimal you order!!

Probably the best one was the conversation between Nargis and Seetha. Vimal connected her number and quickly handed it over to Seetha. “Surprise her, surprise her,” Vims egged her on. This is how the conversation went:

Seetha: Hello. Could you recognize me?
Nargis (probably): You must be Seetha.
Seetha: Oh! Wow!! How nice. You could recognize my voice.
Nargis and Seetha then go on to talk for about five minutes.


Seetha: But my health is ok.
Nargis (probably): But you were sick.
Seetha: I am fine. I just traveled all the way from New Jersey and now I am off to Chennai.
Nargis (probably): But last week you were sick
Seetha (firmly): No I wasn’t. I would know if I were sick.
And then the penny dropped.
Seetha: I think you are talking to the wrong person
Nargis (probably): Of course not Smita
Seetha: Whaaaaat? Now who is Smita?
Nargis (probably): But when I said Smita you said yes.
Seetha: But I thought you said Seetha so I said yes.
Nargis (probably): So Seetha how are you?

The conversation then went on for another five minutes!!!

The drop off at the airport was very quick and haphazard. The heavy monsoons meant we were scurrying for proper information and the trolley. We hugged each other and as we drove back through the heavy rains wondered whether destiny will ever bring us all together again.

Till then it will have to be on a Post Card from Vimal.

Thanks friends for the monsoon magic.


Nargis said...


Hmmmm.....lovely detailing of events, right from the arrivals to the menu (loved the waiter ;-} to Vims fascination for Seetha's aankhein to Jhansi's pregnancies to the departure. But then as usual......the conversation between Seetha and 'Nigar' was by far the best. Only it was NOT Nigar she was talking to but yours truly...!! But then, why am I even explaining such things? Don't I know that most of the SVC'ians have a track record for bungling up my name with someone else's...;-} It's like as if I don't even exist...:-{

Nargis said...


Hmmmm.....lovely detailing of events, right from the arrivals to the menu (loved the waiter ;-} to Vims fascination for Seetha's aankhein to Jhansi's pregnancies to the departure. But then as usual......the conversation between Seetha and 'Nigar' was by far the best. Only it was NOT Nigar she was talking to but yours truly...!! But then, why am I even explaining such things? Don't I know that most of the SVC'ians have a track record for bungling up my name with someone else's...;-} It's like as if I don't even exist...:-{

arun bhatt said...

Ghosh that was two much (and i am not talking about the number of comments).

Actually Vims, the Nokia man, would ask seetha who all do you remember and she would say Faiyaz so he would then proceed to connect to Faiyaz. Then she said Tasneem, Nigar, Naresh, and Vims would get busy connecting them.

I honestly missed the fact that it was not Nigar but you. But the last word should be with seetha. Whom does she think she spoke to Nigar or Nargis? This should be fun..

Stanley David said...

Wonderful account this--we had a ringside view.

But why did you guys not do the usual phone-ins whenever you had such a starry meet ......

Stanley David said...

Wonderful account this--we had a ringside view.

But why did you guys not do the usual phone-ins whenever you had such a starry meet ......

Anonymous said...

am reading this wide mouthed..

arun bhat has to write more at once.i feel cheated...

i'v now bonded with Seetha-H /
Rani of JH. / & silver stashed VIM.... and d waiter
n mushrooms
evn Russell Pete..

A.B. you continue to write like that " standing one reverential step behind husband " sounds regal.

power of the pen, sir power of the pen. you could change some of us,

I'm thinking of the Rani's medieval sword , blue clad Beauties from Jersey...

.... SVC produced all THIS ?!!!
thank you God. For startn my day off so good.

tq ArunBhat, shall seriously look fr more posts

arun bhatt said...

Hi Stanely, Hi Stanely,

Thanks for your double comment. Is this a batchmate fever!!Vims did plenty of phone calls maybe yours was switched off.

Hi RayNoel,


Why could it not have the alphabet b in it? Then I could have proudly gone around and said hey I got the Nobel prize for blogging!!!

Thanks for the good words. And hey I am still proud for the Noel prize. Will suggest the first blog of mine in this postcard. August,14, 2008. Maybe your memories of SVC would be stirred up.

Faiyaz said...

As usual great stuff from you Arun!
I liked the pictures - Specially the one where you folka are shooting one another at point blank range!

Faiyaz said...

Seriously, I fail to understand why people opt Cameras to Shoot, when Looks could Kill?

Anonymous said...

Yes yes know what, I did try write something and got thunked on d head....My Muse :
For missspelling HIS NAME UH ??!


and what > read another blog of urs ?
totally upset another day ? No time. I have to get mushrooms before sunset.

:) nobel prizes , anythn can happen to all of you : wouldnt be one bit surprised.

Naresh said...


I could hear a sweet voice in my Samsung receiver , well never had the 3G system to view Seetha.

Awaited her phone number to meet in person at Chennai. Nothing came up !

Anyway " Varambodu varsham " for Seetha if she is back again.

Seetha said...

Yeehaw, I am able to view the blog now!!!!
@Arun: you must have really been giddy with all that beer you drank, I never mentioned Nigar anytime throughout our meeting, hehehe!!
Stanley: Vimal did do the phone-ins. He asked me, "do you remember Stanley" and my answer was "No I don't", :((, so he decided not to call you!!
@Rayla: Maybe we can bond in person. Vims said you are in bangalore. I know Miss Shamim is there too. I will be there for a very short time (half day on the 10th and half day on the 12th) and not sure if I can meet anyone since I am at the mercy of a friend of mine with whom I will be staying. He stays at some place called Arehalli, how far it is from any place I have no clue.
@Faiyaz: We were shooting each other alright, all started by Vims - again!!
@Naresh: You hung up on me the first time, so I was upset with you. Nooo!!! actually, I was running around Chennai with my bil and I totally Phorgot to call you and I also phorgot to get your number from Vims, :((.
Phew, that was long!!!

Stanley David said...

Arun: Finally you are back in the blog from twitter mode; from prs into prose.... great narration of a charming fete galante

Seetha: You dont have to remember us from schooldays to make a phonecall--arent we blogger friends now--so, Vimal should hv asked 'do u rememebr Stan from APOSTCARDFROMVIMAL'

Lakshmi: Nice seeing you in the compnay of yet bigger stars after the one with Aditya Kumaramngalam Birla--I am referring to Star photographer, Vimal, and star blogger, Arun --and starry Seetha ....

roydebnath said...

See guys, I know Mumbai is a great place to meet, but you know Vizag is not too bad. Tell me which place in India has a sea beach and a hill station (Araku) almost touching each other? Do I hear some gears grinding in the upper regions?

Anonymous said...

Seetha wud love to meet ; we are at Chikka banaswadi approx 8 kms from MG Rd which is a familiar route your friend wud know.
be just great to have you home too if thats poss at all.
Yes Ms Shameem, I think is in Shanti Nagar, I justr wrote to her.
Do letme know. 10th is what .. 2morrow ??

Seetha said...

yes Rayla, I know it is waaay too short notice, that is why I said, 'don't know if I can meet ..."

Seetha said...

Stanley, you are right, let us blame it all on Vimal, :)))

Nargis said...


After viewing all the comments I have come to the conclusion that either you were distracted with Seetha or Lakshmi or both OR you are besotted with Nigar. I can think of nothing else.
Anyway dont' forget that revenge is sweet. And it is also best served cold. So just you wait...just you wait ;-}
And S'm'eetha, please ring up Stan and talk to him. I can't stand his childish whining tone for having been given the royal ignore...hahaha!

Anonymous said...

Never mind short notice, shall send you info check msgs fb ? Seetha

Nargis would you ever make your 'sweet revenge-served-cold..just you wait Henry'll be sorry and ur tears be late.." > choke
would you let us in ? I'm hooked on this ? Love ur spirit

Faiyaz said...

Main Cou ple Do - Pal ka Shayar hoon!

Do Cou ple ki thi, ye dilon ki daastaan
Aur phir, chal diye, tum kahaan, ham kahaan?

Enarkay said...

Arun- I could smell the beer in your bubbly prose :) :)
Seetha -you have not given your local number for us lesser mortals to get in touch!

arun bhatt said...


Thanx for the good words. We all wanted to talk to you but realised that you were in a meeting. Hope Emirates is flying high.

Sir Stan

I never realised that my twittering was putting you all off. I will stick to blogs.


Well I must say I deserve the revenge


Whaaat? Mushrooms preferred over my blog. Anway may you be in a soup!!


The bubble was not due to beer but because of meeting friends from a different era. One really felt light that day and infact still do

sushil agarwal said...

Nice write up
Nice pics
Expert comments.
Lucky duo to meet the QUEENS
Maharani SEETHA MAHALAKSHMI(She resembles the Queen V.......)
Hope u all agree.
(Sorry for my late comments)

Nivedita Rath said...

Arun: what a neat write-up!I felt I was there...oh, I want to see you all soooooo bad!

Omkar said...

Back after a hiatus - the 2 pictures on this post may just be the best reunion pictures yet. The effervescence is infectious (did I sound like Naresh there?)

arun bhatt said...

Oh yes we met the queens and tried to play prince charming!!

From what I could make out thru the blog you too are an ex-mumbaikar. So please do inform us when you come next.


Ha haa.. to match Naresh you need to make a thesaraus as your best friend!! Something like -

The froth, the foam,the fizz,the sparkle is like an epidemic pestillence and a contagion inflence inspiring us to manacle into a covenant that will fetter us closer....

phew!!! that's how close I can get to Naresh.

Believe it or not we did discuss him and his literary spring of knowledge

Nargis said...

Arun, however much you may try to replace 'Nigar' with my name, don't think I'm going to forget about the revenge...;-}

arun bhatt said...

NIIIGGGGGGGAAAR? what Nigar? who Nigar? when Nigar? Which Nigar? meri samajh mein kuch naheen aa raha hai.

Anonymous said...

the plot thickens.

i thank the govt for the transfer to gopalpur,
God for having me in that fam right there right then

Vimal for the blog, Seetha for deciding to visit India ( She's got this lovely voice, and was great talking to her ...)

Seetha said...

Rayla, what an uncanny coincidence, I thought your voice sounded so very kind and gentle, too. See my comment on your post about seeing Miss Shamim.

Seetha said...

And Arun, I just read through you post all over again and you neglected to mention that in the chaos of getting information and finding a cart, I ended up with two carts. Poor Vimal had to walk soooo far and was breathless when he came back with the cart, only to find out that Arun had beat him to it. The expression on his face was priceless, if only I had captured it in a photograph, :))

Seetha said...

Sorry Enarkay, would love to talk to everyone. Here is my local number 90031 97210. I can be reached at this number until the 17th. I leave for the US bright and early on the 18th.

Enarkay said...

It was nice speaking to you Seetha after so many years. Too bad you couldn't meet Miss Shamim and Rayla

arun bhatt said...

After all the good things he said about your eyes- the colour, the shape, the depth,their eloquence, their magic.... it was really sad that he ran to the other end of the airport.

But yes, Paul key teesere dil ki kasam Vims, while giving the trolley I had said, "From Vims to you via this porter."

Omkar said...

As long as we are on the bandwagon of "appreciating" our fair-sexed SVC mates' eyes etc., may I add one -

Often times, Seetha's eyes have reminded me of something/someone and I could not quite put my finger on it.

One day, not too long ago I heard this one on the radio ("thahriye hosh mein aa loon...") a long lost Khayyam favorite. Checking it out on U-tube, it was picturised on Shashi & Nanda.

Now, in India, generally speaking, we are suckers for beautiful large eyes (my wife has those, if I may add). However, there are always exceptions, and Nanda's eyes diminished into slits, when she smiled (watch the video), accentuating her breath-taking charm.

As always I have digressed. Long story short - Seetha'e eyes are very much Nandaesque!

Venu N said...

Gosh---I've been away from this blog for a week or so, and soooo many posts!!

Nice to know you are enjoying your stint in India, Seetha. Good to know your mom will go with you.

Will talk to you one of these days.

Arun---cheers---I'll have one on you.

arun bhatt said...

My first guess was that you are about to talk about Rakhee.
Make it large buddy!!

Vimal Parmar said...

Watta write-up AB... watta write-up..!!
Enjoyed every moment of the time spent together... Wish we had more time on hand. It was as if we were still in school and this was just some 'addagiri' in the evening...!
One thing that i did not follow was Seetha explaining her work... All that she said were bouncers... i tried to nod intelligently but it was back to square one for a mere mortal like me...

Seetha said...

Vimal, see my post, :)))

Naresh said...

Hilu and Arun

Thanks, I am a fading star on the horizon. The throne has been usurped by such scrumptious linguistics from ARUN.

Its just like the dejure Rajesh Khanna and the defacto Amit ,post Zanjeer days !

arun bhatt said...

Oh come OOOON Naresh!!

You are the numero uno, peerless, unique with a distinctive sytle that has your orignality written all over it.

Do people ever remember the second man on the moon, or the second man on Everest or the second man in North Pole? No.

You are the real superstar of words a magician infact. Your extraordinary style is extravagant, incredible, rocco, surreal but never exaggerated. They weave a magic as it takes you thru the catacomb of fantasy and a maze of fun.

English language in your hands transcends from the soporofic and the vapid to heights never reached before.

You are not a fading star, Sir. You are the beacon for imposters and pretenders like me who bask in the reflected glory of your ever shining words!!!!

Phew... now Naresh, get back to your key board and punch in some magic.