Thursday 16 April 2009


This is my editorial to appear in the April 17 issue of Intelligent Pune (printed today). While the first and last verse might apply to Pune, the rest of it is an appeal to all of you to please, please..


It’s the time to vote!
April 23 is the date for Pune, please note
Shed off excuses, lethargy, indifference
Just go out and cast your vote.

If you still are in a quandary as to whom to vote
Do not make the decision of not to vote
Think of what you want from whom you elect
And then ensure you cast your precious vote.

Caste, community and religion are toolbars
Of politicians to brainwash, coerce and conquer a vote
Luring the poor with money; spinning manifestos of empty promises
Character assassinating and then collating for power are some of their stunts.

So, you educated voter, your role is prime than ever before
As shambled development and infrastructure stare menacingly at you
A one time public congregation after 26/11 is not enough
Vote for that candidate who promises quality life for you.

With all the tax that you pay through your nose.
It’s not funny to let it blow on ministers’ whims and fancies
Ask yourself, are politicians only previliged for VIP security?
To have good roads, good homes, 24 hour water supply and electricity?

In this democratic country, aren’t you, the commoner, the lord
And the elected representative, your trustee of your public funds?
Then why continue to allow yourself to be servile and submissive?
When they have assaulted you with apathy to create `Swiss’ funds!

Wake up citizen, wake up.
The only way is to make your presence at the polling booth
Unless you participate pro-actively in this democratic process
Money spinning, power hungry politicians will care two hoots.

Change may not come with one election
But it will usher in a silent social revolution.
Politicians will wake up from their arrogance and lethargy
They will have to orient themselves to everyday solutions.

Good roads, good public transport, lesser pollution
24 hour water supply and round-the-clock electricity
It is not too much too ask for - it is the bare minimum.
So, find someone who can fulfil these necessities.

Criminally linked politicians need to be taught a lesson
Honest candidates need to be given an opportunity
Those engaged in caste wars need to be shunned
For there is life beyond such petty rhetoric.

We need to give a better nation to our children
So we need to choose politicians who can better environment.
We need those in power to have a vision
Where every citizen does not live in squalor, in disillusionment.

Wake up, citizen, wake up.
Here’s your chance to take your revenge!
Pull down the candidate who will waste his tenure
Try someone who will, your resources, manage.

Next time round, go beyond being a voter
Get into politics, to turn the table round.
Let it be known that the era of goonda raj is over
Good people are dabbling in this crucial profession.

Shed off cynicism, negativity and laziness.
That’s exactly what the `notorious’ candidates dream
They are afraid of a thinking, conscience vote
For they know, that will give them a run for their seat.

Even a single vote will make a difference!
April 23 is the date for Pune, please note
Shed off excuses, lethargy, indifference
Just go out and cast your vote.

Vinita Deshmukh


Naresh said...

We at Andhra are a week ahead than you. Today is our voting day which coincides with your write up.

The power of plebiscite !

Seetha said...

Happy voting to all of you!!

arun bhatt said...

stands out for its timing as well as the format. extremely appropriate. however i feel that media should also ensure that getting your name enrolled in the voters list becomes easier for the common man. in mumbai for a newcomer like me it was almost impossible. i am therefore unable to vote.

Vinita Deshmukh said...

Yes Naresh - hope you voted!
Tks Seetha - u can vote too right?
Arun - tks but why what was the problem exactly? curious to know.
In Pune, the collectorate office was extremely co-operative, but do tell me what got into your way!

arun bhatt said...

First, I have to go to Bhilai in the state of chattisgarh and get myself de-registered from that list. For this there is a cumbersome form 6 that has to be filled up and then keep on maroing chakkar of Bhilai to get de-registered.

Assuming this is done, then I have to get a ration card. Now this i find as ridiculous besides being even more cumbersome.

I am not entitled for ration but I have to get a ration card as this is my identification of being a resident of mumbai. Can't this be substituted with something more simple without compromising on its authenticity.

Now for a ration card I have to again go back to my home town Deheradun or the city where I have my previous ration card and then move for removing my name from it before I can make a ration card in Mumbai. Now all know how simple it is to make a ration card!!

Even if these two herculean tasks are accomplished I now have to synchronise my office timings with the timings of those authorities who update the voters list, which believe me in a city like mumbai can be a maddening experience.The sheer volume of the crowds in these make-shift schools will send a shiver down your spine.

Now being a part of a floating population of mumbai, for i do not know where i will be transferred next or to which city i will move out next, i cannot even take these steps in advance for the next general elections. imagine doing all this exercise and then being transferred out.

I also empathise with the government. for I was told/local reports that about one lakh people (migrant labour) applied for voting rights in Thane!! So how does the govt. check the antecedents?

Faiyaz said...

Vinita your write up in IP(Intelligent Pune) on IP (Indian Politicians) is indeed a treat!

Pity we cannot vote out here and the irony is that every vote counts!

Nargis said...

Hi Vinita......

Maybe you can send it across to a few more papers...:-}

But I feel bad that the majority of our voters cannot read this- or any of the intelligent articles, poems, blogs that we post. Not because it is not accessible but because they just cannot...:-{ and most of them will vote only where there are notes.
Nice poem :-}

Kausty said...

Hi Vinita...
Every time there is an election, there is always a call from the media for people to go out to vote......and every time the statistics show a turnout of between 35% to 65%, depending on the region.
And Arun's reason for not being able to vote is probably a case for numerous voters in India. India always hides behind its population and every inefficeincy in the system is blamed on the size of the population or the politicians...I dont agree with this.
Inefficiency in a system of any country should be blamed on its bureaucracy....they are the only permanency in the system. Things will change and change fast once we get efficiency into the civil services, not by voting people in and out !

arun bhatt said...

kausty, that is well said. you see the 'floating' population like me proably runs into millions. all that i am asking for is a simpler system or even a complicated system but a bloody system that understands my problems in new cities. getting a ration card just for the sake of my identity proof goes over my head.

Faiyaz said...

In order to Cast your Vote - You got to be Rational!