Sunday 26 February 2006


hi friends am just back fr blore where i met stan, louis and of course the elusive joe elusive cause i could not remember him. no this is not alzheimer calling but he was with me 4 only 2-3 months anyway he was nice enuf 2 drop me 2 the station and we did a lot of talking(me talking and he listening!) a few comments on the prev blogs shiela i have sent u comments on the blog and i would like 2 stress again that is india is turning into planet xy with us xxs being a seen now but fast disappearing species guys i am so proud that we as a batch have a lot of lovely daughters as i was telling stan a lot of what i am today is because of 2 wonderful women and 2 equally won men the women r my gmother who was a feminist without knowing it, 2 a lesser deg my mother and most imp sr roseline and the men r my father who gave us unconditional love though we were 2 girls and now my husband who does the same -stan and louis can vouch 4 it i am q a nut now. what i want u all 2 know is that pl dont encourage anyone in ur family, friends 2 abort girls if u know anyone wants to do it protest vocifero as otherwise we will have a horren scenerio as 4 faiyaz i used2 b in and out of their house q often eating hjs mothers del biryanis so i do remem u all in fact i spoke 2 ur mother just the other day sarita needs lessons 2 become computer savvy (stan get on with ur updates 2) so we will have 2 wait 4 her posts and guys if i have seemed heartless u need not burden me with the moniker alps now all my heartlessness was unintentional i now rear strays who sleep in my bed also so u can imagine the ice maiden has thawed

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